Friday 15 January 2010

One for Dan

As an almost-graduate of Hull, he'll appreciate this headline:

'Hull Could Be Transformed into a Venice-like waterworld' (when sea levels rise). Mmm, gondolas pushing through a sea of used syringes and emptied rusting cans of Skol Super. Hull, despite an historic core, was once voted Crap Town of Britain No. 1. Dan assures me that it's worse than Wolverhampton. It certainly shares no characteristics with Venice.


  1. Once again you have made me spit coffee all over my computer screen Vole! Having once been a student in Hull I can wholeheartedly endorse Dan's view. I'm just waiting for Emma's post, she'll be far more witty than me!

  2. Yes, I'm looking forward to you and Emma weighing in on this one, as former inmates.

  3. Sounds idilic, a boon for wading birds. Dan was saying only the other day that it would be nice to check some out. This way they can come to him.

    That's the feathered sort before you say anything.

  4. There won't be any birds. Today's Guardian: massive methane emissions spike from the poles (no, not flatulent East Europeans). Far worse than CO2.

  5. Mmmm, Tipping point. A worrying development.


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