Thursday, 3 December 2009


Well, we've just done the final Winter's Tale session: low turnout, very few people had read it, and we gave up halfway through, on the hour mark. How depressing.

On the good side, I've received another two books: Jeeves and the Feudal Spirit, and Gammel's Looking for Anne of Green Gables: The Story of L. M. Montgomery and her Literary Classic. The notion of 'classic' is dubious, and the packaging makes it look very soft indeed, but I'll reserve judgement for now.

Back to the marking…


  1. In my defence, I was hopelessly ill yet I did not think in my absence there would be a mass exodus. Fear not, many have read Winters Tale however not including it in the essay as we started this weeks ago. You should be proud, it's not even due in for a month! Have a wonderful weekend, Vole and I shall report back on the Welsh adventures.

  2. Sorry you're ill. Lucky you, going to Wales.

  3. Unfortunately most of us were just too knackered from writing assignments for our other subjects to sparkle with witty and erudite observations today.
    Sorry we were so awful and depressing.
    We will try harder next time.

  4. Voley don't take it personally!

    After your rather smashing Much Ado and Othello lectures most of us are doing our essay on those.

    Have a nice weekend!

  5. It's no individual's fault really - just full on end of term blues, and with the term we've all had, who could blame you?


Send me your reckons: