Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Life just got better

Christmas present to me:

Thank you for your correspondence concerning presenting a twenty-minute paper at the above conference. I am pleased to confirm that your paper has been accepted 

It's my Anne of Green Gables paper, for the British Association of Canadian Studies. Now I've just got to write it! That job at UPEI inches ever closer!

PS. Thanks to the students who've e-mailed me today, demanding a meeting about upcoming essays, without even a 'hello'! It's good to know you're thinking about work, but weirdly, I'm leaving the office for a few days. I'm on holiday! See you January 4th and not before. Happy Christmas to you too.


  1. Splendid news indeed. Are we allowed to know what it is about yet? Or do we have to go to the conference?

  2. Marvellous, I second Cynical's sentiments as it should be a throughly interesting read and I'm shocked you had to remain at our dreaded University until today. If I'd known, I'd sent Lauren around with mince pies!

    Happy Christmas and I shall pop in on the 4th with a hearing aid if still required.

  3. Well done on the paper Vole! Love the PS! Merry Christmas! Xx.

  4. Happy Christmas Vole. Enjoy your family time, I hope you and your 5 siblings are more amicable than mine. Our Christmas day is often one fractious discussion after another, it's usually a relief when it's over.

  5. Thanks everybody!

    The paper's called 'Beating the Red-Headed Stepchild' and it posits the Anne books as a metaphor for Canada's project of turning a disparate groups of autonomous and ethnically/culturally diverse colonies/dominions into a Nation of well-behaved Protestants under the guidance of an Anglo-Scottish cultural élite. Kristeva's going to make an appearance too (sorry Ben). Hair colour, Anne's writing and her pride in sending her sons off to die in the trenches will all feature.


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