Tuesday, 22 December 2009

Festive gifts

Thanks to all the friends who've showered me in gifts. Laura gave me a Marmite teapot, but unfortunately, it was cracked - I'll get a replacement soon. It's very cool.

(Overseas readers: Marmite is a wonderful delicacy. Import some today). Don't listen to the naysayers who'll inevitably pop up in the comments section. They probably read the Daily Mail.

Thanks to Polly also. I have a bit of a confession on that score. She gave me a Build Your Own Gingerbread House kit. Slabs of gingerbread, icing mix, stick-on biscuits and all sorts of things. I didn't build it. I sat at my desk, guzzling gingerbread like Homer in The Land of Chocolate. It was a low point, and I'm sorry.


  1. Overseas readers: Bovril is better.

  2. Bovril's good, but it ain't no Marmite.

  3. How about both? I'm adventurous like that. I just need to do it in secret because my husband thinks $5 is too much for a couple of ounces of Marmite.

  4. $50 would not be too much for Marmite. It is the most glorious thing.

    I never really got the Bovril/Marmite debate. If you are spreading on toast it is Marmite, for a hot drink on a cold mountain then Bovril is your man.

    There is even a little place in my heart for Morrisons own brand "Beefy Drink".

    I'll even drink Chicken Bovril. I am a sick man.

  5. If anyone here is into the West Country acoustic folk scene and myspace (eh?) here's a guy who does the best song about Marmite that I've ever heard - and that's saying something.


  6. Ben's right - though I've never tried Chicken Bovril. Marmite's very expensive - but it's worth every penny.

    Zoot - thanks. Will listen to it when my ears work again.


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