Friday, 27 November 2009

More from the chalkface

Still enthusiastic! Intimidated by everybody's grasp of theory… I get by, but just don't seem to have the time to really get down to some Deleuze and Guattari, for example. 

Anyway, lots of good bloggy things are going to happen in my classes from now on! But not to keep ILE happy. Grrrr…


  1. Based on that weblink I can't say I'm convinced that reading Deleuze and Guattari is something I ought to be doing as a matter of urgency. I'm with Foucault and his totalizing discourses! I'd be interested to know your views on Laclau and Mouffe though - radical democracy - I'd have thought that was more up your street.

  2. I'm no fan of D and G either… can't get the word 'charlatans' out of my head. I'm keen on Foucault too, but can't say too much about Laclau and Moffat: I've had a look and intend to read more but haven't yet done so…

  3. Well, I've read a fair bit, at first I was really excited by them but as I became more knowledgeable in the field I've found their work is rather derivative. I've come to the conclusion that from an organizational discourse point of view they are of limited value, but from a political point of view they are far more interesting - they have great ideas but they also seem rather impractical - the idealist in me is excited and the pragmatist very frustrated! I'm not sure that I'd recommend them to anyone though, they make your head hurt, A LOT - they draw on many other philosophers and if you aren't familiar with the original work it is difficult to then evaluate L and M's stance on things. I just thought you wouldn't be able to resist a title like 'Hegemony and Socialist Strategy'!


Send me your reckons: