Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Jim Corr! Earth Calling Jim Corr! Come in please!

Pop stars, as we all know, have a tenuous grip on reality. They expect the world to revolve around them, and most unfortunately of all, they assume that success in their field means that they are equally qualified to pronounce on the pressing issues of the day, despite overwhelming evidence that burying your face in a bowl of cocaine for a living doesn't enhance your scientific, medical, political or ethical skills.

Of course, if it's Bono or Madonna, you might think that their sheer dedication to self-aggrandisement means we should cut them a little slack. Not so for this gentleman.

Ladies and gentlemen: Mr Jim Corr, formerly of The Corrs. Who weren't very good. At all. He's chosen the Path of David Icke. Pray for him.


  1. Listen, Vole, you very well know that the baby-eating Lizard Men have encircled this reality in a wall of fire that prevents us from revealing the Truth to the Sleepers. Why be a part of the problem? Join us. There's money in it...

    Call me.

  2. Well that answered that surprisingly quickly.

  3. I have mixed feelings about this.

    On one hand, I fully agree that he's barmy.

    On the other, he is a cousin of mine, so leave him alone, yeah? You big bullies. And The Corrs made some lovely songs, so nyerrr!

  4. A: Ewar - no they didn't.
    B: Ben. This isn't the real Jim Corr responding. The IP address is wrong. Oops, that exposes my control of the global internet.

  5. No, I assumed it wasn't the real Jim Corr. I am deeply suspicious of the whole site.


Send me your reckons: