Friday, 27 November 2009

Greetings from the English Subject Centre

I'm at Aston University on a course for early career lecturers (yes, I know, the way I'm going I'm nearer the end than the beginning, but you know what I mean).

Those of you who know me will be well aware that my usual modus operandi at such things is to sit at the back being sarcastic.

Not this time. I'm having a blast. I've already learned loads more about being a decent teacher than on my PGCE, the approach is collegiate and my fellow students are utterly delightful. Obviously they're all taller, thinner, more stylish and more learned than I am, but they're well-mannered enough not to remark upon it.

Unfortunately, I'm going to miss the conference dinner - my German chum Felix is flying in for a weekend's debauch and, cool as he is, an evening with Literature teachers may not quite be his thing. In a coals to Newcastle scenario, I'm going to make him go to the German Market!

Must pay attention now…

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