Thursday, 26 November 2009

The animals looked from the pigs to the men…

How's this as a marker of how the party of the people has become merely part of the international élite, leaving behind all conscience?

Mandelson parties with Gadaffi's son

Peter Mandelson, Gadaffi's son and Cherie Blair all went on a shooting trip hosted by Lord Rothschild. Mandy and Blair didn't heft any guns themselves, just consorted with this aristo riff-raff. Rothschild's a Tory bastard, Gadaffi's a mad dictator (and their children never turn out to be lovely people), Mandelson's 'intensely relaxed about people getting filthy rich' and Blair is a social-climber who never turned down a freebie.

Why I'm still angry after so many years of this government, I don't know. They jettisoned socialism 20 years ago (a conservative estimate), but it's the shamelessness of this particular junket that gets me. It's exactly like the party held by the pigs and men at the end of Animal Farm. The poor have no protection from the dictators and capitalists if the people's party simply wants to join in the feast.

By Toutatis, I'm actually steamingly furious about this. Really, really angry. It's just so symbolic.


  1. Don't get angry, dear Vole, get even. 161 days to the (probable) date of the general election.

  2. What did I tell you?


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