Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Yes Gideon, you're absolutely right

At the Tory conference yesterday, Gideon Osborne (who prefers to be known by his middle name, George), kept repeating the mantra 'We're all in this together', which according to Radio 4's Today programme, was nicked from High School Musical.

Of course we are, Gid. Only, most of us haven't inherited millions of pounds, gone to a top public school (boys only, £27,000 per year) then Oxford, where he joined the Bullingdon Club (£10,000 per year, men only), then straight into politics, never having had to find a job, struggle financially etc. Unlike you, we depend on the state services (health, education etc) which you are planning to savagely cut, safe in the knowledge that you can buy privately. The effects of these cuts (designed to sort out a deficit caused by bailing out the bankers and speculators you adore, ideologically align with and who fund your party) will hit us hard, not you. Sure, your investments might only grow from millions to several more millions, but freezing pay for civil servants earning £18000 pounds - enough for two terms at your school - will certainly make them poorer.

You lying, hypocritical wanker. How much contempt do you have for the public? Surely you don't really think that claiming solidarity with the rest of us will really work?

Oh dear - perhaps it will.


  1. Have you watched this:

    George bum-nose Osborne. What a great job Steve Bell has, all day drawing and giggling away to himself.

  2. He certainly does - that's why I collect his work. I met him once. He was hugely funny (huge and funny), until he worked himself into a towering rage about tuition fees. He hates Birmingham too.


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