Monday, 19 October 2009

Welcome to the book cave

It's a cultured week. Despite having an enormous amount of dispiriting work to do, I'm seeing Frank Turner tonight (meant to be very good), going to the Manchester Blog Awards to see if Cynical Ben and various other friends win, then to the Anish Kapoor exhibition in London, which will no doubt make me very, very angry - not at the artwork (probably) but at the general air of foppish superiority which pervades such events.

My new flat is gradually getting more organised - I even hosted post-histrionics drinks there on Friday night. Some new pictures here.

The rhino is part of a set dressing - apart from some heavily annotated books, it's all I have from my dead English teacher, Mike Caswell - a very great man.

Laura gave me Marvin - now I've finally found a place he'd like.

Enter the book cavern

My 1971 Soviet poster commemorating a decade since Gagarin's flight (and my degree certificates)

Cynical Ben and his Map Twat groomsmen

One of a pair of Michael Portillo Roman Salute bookends, courtesy of Neal

My paltry achievements. The figurine isn't an Oscar. It reads 'Least Worst Best Man', and is from Cynical Ben.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, you're house is a home. Looking good Vole. looking good.


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