Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Neigh thank you…

Many thanks to the anonymous individual who sent me a sparkly pink book entitled Katie Price's Perfect Ponies. I'm not sure who. Someone noticed Animal Stories for Under-Fives and Animal Stories for Girls on my shelves (no, I don't know how they came into my possession) - perhaps that's who it was. The other possibility is Cynical Ben. A full review will follow.

I confess myself confused. 'Fess up!

In other book news, I've received a replacement for my missing The Day of the Triffids, Angela Carter's Shadow Dance (to my shame, I thought I had everything she wrote) and a free copy of George Ritzer's Globalization: A Basic Text, which will be good for students.


  1. Voley! I haven't laughed so much in ages. Why did I not think of sending you something like that?

    If that is you, Cynical Ben, you sir are a legend.

    I had everything Angela Carter ever wrote. And then I burned it all in a big bonfire, as she is rubbish.

  2. I'm laughing too.
    Well, Ewar, that just about wraps it up for Angela Carter then. I'll take Wise Children off the curriculum.

  3. On behalf of every male who had to read that - thankyou.

  4. Bear in mind I have "The Passion of New Eve" sitting to my left here, looming large like the upcoming dentist's appointment which you try to forget about.

  5. I was joking. I think Wise Children is a virtuoso piece of writing. Nights at the Circus is my favourite, though the shorter works are stunning - New Eve amongst them. She also wrote The Company of Wolves, remember. Jordan's film of it still scares the hell out of me.

  6. I think we all know when it comes to fiction I'm not the best person to talk to. I just found Wise Children BOR-ING, a real struggle to finish and I couldn't help wondering what exactly the plot was.

    Straight after that I re-read Bravo Two Zero, which actually gets better with every read. Now that's a book.

  7. Glad you liked your present.

    You know that advert for Royal Mail - "I saw this and thought of you" - well I saw, and I thought.

    I trust it is already on LibraryThing.

  8. Well Ben, thank you! My first celebrity book. I'll cherish it.

    Ewar - plot isn't everything. I won't be goaded by your militaristic tastes!

  9. It is indeed on LibraryThing - I'm the only person to admit to owning it.

  10. SCW- good to hear from you. In case she's not as well known in Utah as the UK, she writes self-help books and children's stories etc. as Katie Price, and reveals her enormously inflated bosoms under the pseudonym of Jordan. She also appeared on a reality TV show and had a reality-style short marriage to a washed-up Australian pop singer called Peter Andre.

    These achievements have ensured her place in the Pantheon.

  11. Brilliant. Can we have a review, please?

  12. I shall do so Katherine, as soon as I've written my Much Ado About Nothing review. Lecture, I mean lecture.

  13. How about a Perfect Ponies lecture? It is bound to have more laughs than Much Ado About Nothing.

  14. I shouldn't have googled her name. I don't even want to know what she knows about ponies now, poor things.

  15. This is becoming The Thread That Will Not Die! Actually Ben, I'm reviewing my opinion of Much Ado - some of it's pretty funny, though it would also be easy to play as a tragedy.

    Teaching Ponies - not as far-fetched as you might think. We run courses on children's literature, and one dissertation was on pony literature (no, not the rather outre sexual subgroup).


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