Thursday, 15 October 2009

Guess who's back…

OK, I'm not feeling that cocky, but at least it's over. Turns out I'd prepared several more hours lecture material than the two scheduled, and I'm pretty sure I've sucked all the fun out of Much Ado About Nothing by the simple means of over-analysis (with a side-order of New Historicism), but the job's done, and they're a great bunch of students who are polite enough not to throw fruit when I assay a pun…

Damon and Naomi, amongst my very favourite melancholy singers, did a song called The New Historicism. They also did one on Lacanian psychoanalysis called The Mirror Stage. Neither are recorded on the web, but here's their version of Sandy Denny's No More Sad Refrains, which is lovely.

1 comment:

  1. It was a marvellous concise lecture with the odd moment of hilarity stemmed from the American and indeed there were rather alot of presentation slides for such a short amount of time but nonetheless hugely appreciated.

    Now onwards to the assignments and further reading, hope you have a great weekend Vole.


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