Morning all. I'm feeling grumpy. I don't feel very well, didn't sleep and even skipped swimming. I'm too rough to go fencing tonight, and the alternative is ghastly: a supposedly compulsory formal opening of the new School in which we find ourselves.
Frankly, being forced to attend this sticks in my craw: they removed 'humanities' from the school's name, despite this covering all the biggest subjects, and they've randomly and incompetently screwed up the teaching process, the curriculum and the structure (at least in my legally non-binding and personal opinion). To watch the bigwigs quaff wine while grinning like a cat that's brought home a dead bird will be revolting. That bird was agile and beautiful before management chewed it up - I'm damned if I'll smile while they vomit forth a load of obsolete management bollocks about the bright future (nobody mention the redundancies, recession, incoming Tory government, intellectual shortcomings of management etc.).
Poor Voley, hope you're feeling better soon.