Monday 12 October 2009

At last, it's Monday

Good morning, and a happy Monday to you all. Saint Monday, by the way, was the icon invoked for people wanting to take Monday off. I'm taking the morning off - sort of. Going for a swim.

The weekend was full - building more bookcases with Neal on Friday, not getting my washing machine fixed (gits), going for a Thai meal with Neal in gratitude, an Open Day (farcical) and playing on Laura's Wii Fit and eating chocolate while I used her washing machine. Iustin very unkindly filmed me doing very badly on various balance games… I reclaimed my Moulton bike from my old house thanks to Gerry and Mark, then I spent the rest of Sunday finding new places to hide books, drinking from proper cups and saucers, and eating guinea fowl (delicious, by the way).

What did you get up to?


  1. I had full sex with a woman, like!

    (Ignore that if you don't watch Alan Partridge)

  2. Er, well done. I did get the Partridge reference. Did you hear Coogan on Desert Island Discs? Very poor, I thought.

  3. Didn't need to state the Partridge reference, we'd have knew it was a lie anyway.

  4. Moaning about Coventry University to anyone who would listen.

  5. Yes, I've followed your blog… if you think that's bad, try coming back here!


Send me your reckons: