Thursday, 17 September 2009

You're my fact-checking cuz…

Pavement may be getting back together! Good for a much-missed band or a retrograde step for a bunch of blokes who ended their time together very miserably indeed?


  1. Great news, thanks for the heads up

  2. I like pavement and all but nah. I don't like the idea of a reformation. The music doesn't require them to exert too much to put on a show but still I don't like the idea. God, I hope they don't release a new record too. Maybe if they played Brighten The Corners in it's entirety I might come round to it.

  3. I'm thinking no.
    Gotta say, Malkmus solo at the Civic back in 03(?) was one of the most annoying gigs I've been to. He just got gradually more and more stoned and less and less listenable.
    Also, I don't think the rest of the band would be in his mindset these days.
    I will leave you with the thought that pigs they tend to wiggle when they walk.

  4. I really enjoyed the Preston School of Industry and Steve Malkmus/The Jicks early albums, but surely Pavement's time has passed, sadly.


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