Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Other people have opinions too

Just to prove to you all that I don't have a monopoly on fiercely expressed, accurate and leftwing sentiments, I draw your attention to Kate, who is an expert on local government and various things that make her more qualified than I am in serious politics:

I have some shocking news for you, make sure you're sitting down and have a restorative cup of tea to hand. It turns out that countries who have a policy of high taxes, investing in public services, being responsible and prudent with public funds (as opposed to crippling the public sector with liability and debt through PFI and PPPs and weakening their power and autonomy at the same time), tightly regulating banks and not bailing out failing manufacturers (i.e. REALLY letting market forces rule, in bad times not just in good) are faring particularly well through this economic recession. I know, it's a shocker isn't it? Who would have guessed?! AAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!

You can read the cause of this eruption here.

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