Tuesday, 25 August 2009

New logo. World saved.

Yes, despite having a multimillion pound deficit, 250 redundancies, fewer modules and larger classes, everything's going to be OK, because we've paid some trendily-bespectacled wankers a large amount of money for a new logo to make everything alright.

Anyone like to speculate on what the new slogans might be?


  1. Fewer modules, hang on, this must mean...oh bugger. Don't tell me they've dropped my module for this shit?

    Is it some poncey Oxbridge-lite gumph in latin?

  2. I doubt it - it will be business-lite management BS with no verbs. Achieving Tomorrow Today or something like that, no doubt.

    New module structure starts September 2010, though how they're going to teach everything this year, having sacked 250 people, I really don't know. Expect to see your lecturers from the back of a crowd, through binoculars.

  3. Vole, do you think you could edit your post on behalf of us bespectacled wankers?

    Some of us need them to actually, y'know, see things, rather than just wearing them for fashion.

    Many thanks. Slogan will be some bollocks like "A brighter future" or "Excelling in excellence".

  4. Perhaps it'll be Should have gone to Specsavers

  5. Ewar, it's not the spectacles themselves, or spectacle wearers I was getting at - it's the trendy wanker ones that soi-disant 'creative' types wear to differentiate themselves from the rest of us. You know the sort.

    I was thinking along the lines of the SAS - 'Who pays, graduates'? What's that in Latin? Or John Lewis 'Never knowingly over-educated'? Or Bob Geldof: 'Give us yer feckin' money',

    Not as nice as Oslo

    I'm sure there's material for a Despair poster in there somewhere...

  7. Not bad, Simon. We could use Munch's 'Scream' in the adverts.


Send me your reckons: