Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Koala v. Shark? Who would win

I'm in a scientific mood today. And a Christian-baiting one. So I've been reading this article on why it's specially hilarious that Ken Ham, head of Answers in Genesis, keeper of the Creation Museum and America's leading moron, is from Australia. (Amongst other things, Creationists believe that black people are descended from Ham, Noah's bad son). Mmmm, racist.

So anyway, the article's fun, and starts a really good debate about whether koalas could take out a shark (which would be required for them to reach Australia from Mount Ararat, where the Ark landed in 2300 BC).

I've always wondered about barbecued koala. They're pretty lazy, so you could light the barbie underneath the branch they're clinging too, and they must be beautifully tender, stuffed with eucalyptus leaves.

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