Friday, 10 July 2009

Work work work

I'm again spending the afternoon hiding boxes from management. They want us to do a lot of work, but appear to think that it's all virtual - there's a strict limit on the number of boxes colleagues are allowed to move, it seems. So there's an underground economy of space-selling.

Meanwhile, the university's full of students taking resits or handing in rewritten essays. I wouldn't mind, but they don't even look sorry! I've got to mark all this stuff… Unlike school (I remember a particularly impressive 4% in a maths exam - that's like, er, not many right if my calculations are right), I didn't fail stuff at university, by some amazing freak. Neal did - perhaps I wasn't having enough fun. Anyone else?


  1. 4% is pretty impressive! My friend got 15% in an art exam once (by some complete fluke I got 55% in the same exam- have you ever seen my attempts at art?- not good).
    I didn't turn up for my 3rd year project presentation. I don't advise this as a sensible course of action!

  2. I never took any exams at school (I was in the 'apprentice' stream, sub-CSE, and left at 14) but got straight firsts throughout my entire undergrad and postgrad career (I was in my 30s by the time I started though; I was also naive and routinely read absolutely everything on every reading list I could lay my hands on). I even got top marks for GCSE maths which I took at night school when I was 38. I had to do well because the tuteroids on my home planet of Cerebrofuzax don't like 2nd best.


Send me your reckons: