Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Proper Caesar's Pet

I hate setting new devices up, and now regret being mean and not buying an iPhone because Macs just work.

Anyway, have a good day tomorrow: I won't be online - I'm taking a day off. They're hanging me the right way up. Cynical Ben, Radford Sallow, Neal and I are going bilberrying on Cannock Chase. Woo - and indeed - hoo! Someone text me exciting cricket scores and Tour de France news?


  1. Didn't know you were a fellow Le Grande Tour fan!

    Allez Lance, allez! Even though Contador will win it this year.

  2. Mmmmmm...bilberry pie, enjoy!

  3. If you find a hill there, can you look out for my thrill - we're apart now but she's still part of me and that's where I found her.

    Fats Waller

  4. Zoot - bewilderingly funny as always.
    Sue - the bilberries didn't make it anywhere near being pied. I just grabbed handfuls and stuffed them into my gaping maw. Mmmm
    Ewar - TdF: addictive. Proper sports take weeks and require massive amounts of drugs to even finish! I think we may be in for some surprises this year.


Send me your reckons: