Wednesday, 15 July 2009

President Blair, I presume?!!!?

'Blair in frame to become first EU President' screams the Guardian headline: apparently the Minister for Europe has given him the UK government's support.

How do we all feel about this? Why would Europe want him? He was utterly weak on the matter of Britain joining monetary union. He negotiated opt-outs for Britain on worker protection - then boasted about it. He made Britain's former slavish devotion to US foreign policy look amateur, pretty much taking up residence on his knees in front of Bush's crotch. There's no way he can convince as Europe's public face, defender, cheerleader. His religious mania seems all-powering, he seemed reluctant to engage with genuine democracy - preferring goverment by cabal and quiet word - and he has blood on his hands in pursuit of wars most of the other European countries opposed. He shares none of Europe's commitments to moderating free-market capitalism - he's a messenger boy for the least progressive forces in world politics and economics, and he's not even very bright.

I can see why a youngish man with millions of pounds and a Messiah complex might want the job: what I can't see is why anyone else would want to enable this ambition. I know he's restrained his minions from sacking Gordon Brown, but nobody else owes him anything. I wish he'd just retire to one of his many mansions and shut up.


  1. One of the panelists on Question Time last night reminded us that Tony Bliar once said he would rather, 'nail his testicles to a speeding train than become president of the EU'

  2. I'm sure it could be arranged. There are, I understand, some very fast trains in Europe.

    Personally, I have mixed feelings. In contrast to the apparent reverence the Americans appear to have for the Office of the President, no matter which incompetent ignorant puppet happens to inhabit it, it's not beyond the bounds of possibility that someone this side of the pond will actually have the nerve to off the odious little reptile for the good of the rest of us.

  3. That's a great quote, and deserves dissemination.

    Simon - like your train of thought. The world genuinely would be a better place without his smug, sanctimonious and downright evil face smarming round the world appearing to represent 'us' on no basis whatsoever.


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