Wednesday, 15 July 2009

A Good Christian Gentleman

Play this, and wonder why secularism is a growing force! First noted on

1 comment:

  1. I fucking love people who know what God wants. I mean, God is talking to this man. God looked down from above, saw this man, said to the man...we need to have a dialog...this is what I want. Does God not have the ability to strike down whomever he/she/it wants, without this hillbilly?

    I feel totally left out. God apparently has ignored and forsaken me.

    I wonder if God has a bullshit accent like that, and does God speak only to people with same such accents? No, that can't be it, because when I was a kid, I probably had an accent like that...and not once did I have a conversation with God...except about the masturbation thing. Maybe if I hadn't work on getting rid of that accent...who knows.

    Seriously, if I were a God praying man, guess what I would be praying for...and it wouldn't a thing to do with the Pres. Uh huh.


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