Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Give us your feckin' money

University fees up to £3,200: grants and loans stay where they are. David Lammy, the minister in charge (ho ho) says 'difficult choices have to be made'. Students will have to make difficult choices about whether to bother with university or not. Difficult choices by almost universally-Oxbridge educated ministers have been avoided: Trident, higher taxes for the rich, more inheritance tax etc. etc. etc: none of these difficult choices have been made.

Rich kids won't notice a few hundred more - everybody else, like Wolverhampton students will struggle, especially as jobs will be scarce.

Another blow to the proletariat from the Labour Party then. Fucking shameful.


  1. I was going to do a blog about this earlier when I read the story in the Guardian. I wouldn't have bought up those other issues though, so probably better I didn't. It would however have ended with the same two words though.

    I smell a protest. Ewar? Demented? Anyone?

  2. I hope you do. To add insult to injury, the government claimed that fees were rising to fit inflation, but as the NUS president pointed out this morning, they aren't increasing grants and loans on the same basis!

  3. Students are the best investment for the future. Well educated, innovative new talent is needed to get the counrty out of the hole created by the dispicable bankers, and their evil ilk.Talent needs to be nurtured, not punished.
    Students should protest - but they are too exhausted from having to undertake paid employment to finance their education.


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