Friday, 3 July 2009

Confession Conundrum

None of us are cool. There's no such thing, to paraphrase Barthes again - we just all exist in a constantly shifting lake of codes. However, there are things we all do which don't fit our self-images, or the image we'd like others to have of us. Guilty pleasures, I guess. So now's your chance to 'fess up.

Cynical Ben is banned. He has three trillion opinions, and specialises in being contrary anyway. He expresses contempt for my music, my clothes (especially my woolly hat and my favourite DM shoes: 'amazing what you can get on the NHS' was his latest witticism) and pretty much anything else, even though we know that he'll change his mind in a week. He's also banned because he bought a copy of Space Jam. That's the kind of contrariness in which he specialises. Tease him and he'll get even more aggressive in his defence. That said, he does have magnificent taste in literature and cheese. OK, he's not banned. Just don't take him too seriously, that's all I'm saying.

My confession. Despite my well-documented objections to policing methods, and to soap operas, and my love of high-concept drama, I also love watching The Bill. I know it's often very poor, and little better than any number of cheap soaps, but there's still something compelling about it. They react to current stories very quickly and rarely take the easy dramatic or narrative option. It depends on the writers in any particular week of course, and it's definitely less political than when it started, but it's still more than a rest home for ex-soap actors. I particularly enjoyed the special episodes done jointly with SOKO Leipzig, the German equivalent, though it was embarrassing that all the Germans had flawless English while the UK actors couldn't manage a word of German.

So there we are. I'm not nearly so suave and sophisticated as you might have thought (if you've had a lobotomy recently). Your turn!


  1. Doctors is a the worst soap ever but sometimes I'll sit there and stumble through the localised rubbish.

    In book terms I like 'Starter For 10' by David Nicholls, oh the shame. Movie wise, I like a few, okay then, a lot of romantic movies and stuff with Hugh Grant in. Music - I like to think I'm quite the afficionado and try to keep up indie traditions. But I can often be found singing something by the Lighthouse Family or Billy Joel.

  2. I read Starter For Ten and enjoyed it. I have a soft spot for campus novels because they always make my job sound interesting, edgy and glamorous. Which it isn't.

  3. Nothing wrong with Space Jam - any film that has MJ (no, not that one) Larry Bird and Charles Barkley in it = win.

  4. My favourite economically short 'rock' guitar solo is on a Carpenters' song (Goodbye to Love). I also wear a Levi suit most of the time.

  5. Merciless: I've calmed down a bit now and feel ready to comment on your astounding confession without deploying the foulest abuse.

    This isn't Catholicism: absolution and forgiveness aren't forthcoming.

    You've just outed yourself as a man who hates music and hates film, despite your many otherwise fine qualities. Hang your head sir, hang your head. (And anyone defending Space Jam earns a place in a camp too).

  6. Thanks for your breakdown of my 'cultural life.' Much appreciated. Although, lets face it, you're wrong. Someone, who on average listens to 53 tracks a day, mainly listens to whole albums and promoted gigs for bands and helped put them on (moving stage gear etc - even though they were mostly mightily shit) hates music. To be honest, I'm not going to take this off someone who likes Camera Obscura - the last record was nothing more than average, which has been quite the precedent - and who's own cultural lapse clashes with their whole ideological beliefs. It'd be a bit like a punk liking Dido for any other reasons than wanting to get her into bed. I won't start on the film stuff, seeing as it's what I'd like to do and all that jazz. But mainly, I oculd have done this without justifying by writing the sentence: 'talking out your arse.'

  7. I thought the recent BBC version of Robin Hood was brilliant. Sadly they killed Robin off,and due to low numbers of viewers, the next series has been axed.
    They better not do the same to Merlin!!!


    But leave Dido out of it, for god's sake.

  9. I am a completist when it comes to the films of Ingmar Bergman, and am particulary in tune with his very stripped down movies, such as The Silence and Persona; I have everything Samuel Beckett wrote, including unpublished work and many translations. In other news, watching The Good Life makes me weep for happiness, especially where they save the piglets with the help of the local constabulary.

  10. There are two people in this world. Those who like Space Jam and those who have not seen it. Don't believe everything you read in the Guardian people. The film is good. Not a classic but fun nonetheless.

    Am I really contrary or do I just like what I like? Is it a crime to find Britney Spears' Everytime brings you to the edge of tears just because you also like Hildegard von Bingen?

    As I believe Cornershop said "good shit's all around"

  11. Okay then, I wasn't in the best mood yesterday when I wrote that comment. I read your comment back and I see you were pulling my leg and I misconstrued it and then banged on about a load of old crap. For this I can only apologise. Sorry. Anyway, a gift for you. I remember you saying you liked Bonnie 'Prince' Billy. If you like him you might like this
    It's an album you can download (legally) for free. I've not listened to it yet so it could be rubbish. I've rabbited on again, so, have a good time at the wedding.

  12. The Bonnice 'Prince'Billy bit was a lie. He's more like an English Bill Callahan with added electronics and production tools.

  13. Merciless: I was indeed teasing you! Sorry if it wasn't obvious. Thanks for the music tip.

    James: Bergmar films! That's not a confession, it's showing off.

    Ben - you bloody are contrary, and most amusing with it.


Send me your reckons: