Monday, 1 June 2009

'Where do you want to go?'

…is illustrated with a railway track, and now we're on an 'icebreaker'. I say leave the ice alone. The bullshit bingo advances…

Now sticking post-its on the wall from academic speed-dating and standing by my patch of wall.

Update: now terrified. The only way to survive is to publish loads of stuff, sit on important committees, have children, teach massive amounts, raise external funding, be internationally renowned and wear severely modernist glasses - all as a young academic. We've just been told that the secret to a balanced career is to work only 9-5: our teaching hours are 9-9!


  1. Have academic conference matters improved in the hours since you blogged? Hopefully so.

  2. It all sounds very familiar, apart from the having children bit, how does that help? I guess it gives you a good excuse for work life balance and the avoidance of an unduly heavy workload I suppose. Yes, from my experiences at conferences I can confirm the uber modernist glasses are very, very important, I suggest you partake in lots of reading in dimly lit areas and onanism post-haste!

  3. Kate, these methods describe my social life, and have had no effect at all over the course of three decades.


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