Thursday, 4 June 2009

Vote early, vote often

…is an Irish proverb. I voted at 7 a.m. today, partly because I had to be out of the house to get to Walsall anyway, and partly because I wanted the Tories to be behind from the start. I voted before anyone else in my ward. Plenty of loons standing: BNP, Christian Voice, Libertas etc. etc. If only we'd had PR I could have given my vote to Labour and the Greens (not necessarily in this order), but under first past the post, Labour had to have my vote solely to keep the Tories and BNP out.


  1. I voted at 11:30am, more details to follow later on my blog, probably.

    I voted for The Greens, on the basis that a protest vote for them is slightly better than for the BNP or UKIP.

  2. Only slightly better?! Voley - how could you bring yourself to vote Labour after all they've done? They're too right wing for me. Did you hear Tony Benn calling Blair a Thatcherite on the C4 News this week? I've known it for ages but it was lovely to hear the wonderful Mr Benn say it. The European elections are PR, although admittedly the UK uses the closed list system as opposed to the open list which I agree would be preferable.
    I toyed with voting Green for a while as a protest but in the end voted Lib Dem as our local countryside is littered with UKIP billboards and we HAVE to do all we can to keep them out (and the Tories of course). Matt and I toyed with the idea of going out for a midnight dismantling session but in the end we were too middle class and well behaved!

  3. I know, I know. But in the West Mids it's vote Labour or get Tory - though you and Tony Benn are right. If only we'd had preference voting. There were leftwing groups on the ballot, but only anti-European ones.

  4. Ditto (re the socialist parties).


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