Thursday, 4 June 2009

Thursday's Friday Conundrum

I'm off to Cardiff tomorrow, and so rather depressingly missing Cruel Brother Featuring The Deer Friend, but I urge you to attend. I don't know if I'll be online tomorrow or over the weekend as the posh hotel charges extra for wi-fi, the skinflints.

So Friday's Conundrum will have to go up early.
What words would you take back, and what words should you have said? What have you said/written/hinted to someone that you regret? What have you failed to say to someone that may have changed your life, their lives, or simply been the right thing to come out with? Feel free to post anonymously! I'll think about mine for a little longer, as I've only just come up with this one.

(I've only just popped into the office after a full day in Walsall: well worth it - remastered double CDs of Slanted and Enchanted and Terror Twilight).


  1. This one has me a bit stumped, Voley. All the things I can think about involve females, and I don't feel like sharing those incidents with others.

    SO....I regret being tongue-tied when I met Peter Schmeichel (after he'd finished playing). I really wanted to tell him how much I flipping loved the dude, but I was just too star struck. Still, I got his autograph.

  2. This has me thinking may need to post again later. i think I will regret saying things. Those that know me know I am not the quietest person in the world.
    I do regret not punching Lily Allen when she pushed past me at festival a few summers ago.

  3. It's a tough one. I regret not saying more some things more than I regret the things I have said in all walks of life. But still - regret reminds us we're alive and evolving.

    I probably shouldn't be as sarcastic in class as I can be.

    I regret not hurling abuse at Hazel Blears rather than quietly stating my case.

    No doubt my friends think I shouldn't have said a few thousand of the quality puns for which I'm renowned. They're wrong.

  4. Well, he can pen a scribble/autograph.

    (Sportsmens autographs are hilarious - I make sure as soon as I get one I write the persons name underneath it, otherwise you would have no effing idea who's signature it is.)

  5. I don't know, I don't regret much really, there are things I've missed out on but I don't kick myself too much about them. I'm still young, plenty more time for things to come along.
    I could do you a humourous list of emo-y facebook status updates. However I shall resist.
    PS: I'm slightly concerned about the time I went to Dartmouth Park with a girl and decided to read The Tulip Touch instead. And the time I called a girl a nasty word at school and made her cry. In my defence she was teasing me and I was thirteen. Still, doesn't bode too well.


Send me your reckons: