Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Something else to annoy Ewarwoowar

Quick break between meetings. Further to my comments on police behaviour, here's a much better writer looking at the big picture: George Monbiot. It's turning into quite a big story.

(Sorry, Ewar, I'm only teasing you!)


  1. From the Guardian, AGAIN. I'd laugh if I wasn't sobbing.

  2. May as well mention this here - I can't seem to access my academic email account today, displaying an error.

    Is that the same for you? I understand there was problems yesterday with outgoing mail.

  3. It's from the Guardian because a) that's the only paper interested in this stuff and b) it's the newspaper I read!

    You're not alone, e-mail wise. Though they may well have arsed other things up just for you AS WELL - just like they did for me a few weeks back.


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