Tuesday, 9 June 2009

More twitter fun

Twitter for Paedophiles: Glitter.
Twitter for plumbers: Shitter.
For exercise fanatics (or engineers): Fitter
For tired university teachers: Bitter
For batsmen: Hitter
For coffee drinkers: Jitter
For the messy: Litter


  1. Typically amusing stuff from you, Vole. Or should that be, Mr Insivible. Natural Blues and I dropped by to pick up essays after mentor training but only Frank Wilson surfaced. We left rather disappointed.

  2. Sorry you two. I did the 10-1 stint for English/Philosophy and Media, then went to my union meeting.
    See you soon, hopefully.

  3. For those who don't like real ham, but a cheap, nasty, condensed version of it : Spam Fritter.

    Oh, shut up.

  4. I saw him. It was kind of like that time I met Bob Taylor and he gave me my GCSE's expect it was a big waste of time as none of my results were there.
    Vole was lurched over his Mac, probably doing a bit of covert blogging whilst I was trying to find some of my results.

  5. Zoo keepers = Critter
    Party planners = Glitter
    Sexual diviant = Clitter

  6. Emma/Jaded - magnificent suggestions.
    Merciless: I was indeed surreptitiously blogging. I deserved a break.

  7. dermatologists: zitter


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