Wednesday, 3 June 2009

It's not all work, work, work

Sometimes, I'm actually happy. Last night, Mark and I had to agree a project grade. We did so and then repaired to an hostelry and drank fine ales in the garden, while talking solely about books and possible research we could do together - two hours passed by without notice.


  1. Talking about papers you can publish together? Sounds like work to me! But fun/rewarding work - yes it is possible! Good luck on the publications front, it's the most important thing when it comes to 'an academic career' as I understand it. I'm expecting a call from my second supervisor any minute to discuss writing a paper together on governmentality, the outsider and the New Labour project - ooooh I'm excited! (and also a huge geek!)

  2. Yes, you are a massive geek.
    The thinking bit of my work is great. If only there were more opportunities.

  3. I think for that you probably have to move institution, by the sounds of things anyway.


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