Thursday, 25 June 2009

Hiking The Appalachian Trail

People have affairs, even those who proclaim their moral superiority, such as Governor Sanford of South Carolina. So really, we should leave him alone to rebuild his life, apologise to the injured parties and so on.

And I would, were it not for his brilliant grasp of euphemism. Having flitted off to Argentina for five days to be with his mistress, he informed his staff, and therefore the public, that he was 'Hiking the Appalachian Trail'. I love it. It may have to replace Private Eye's 'Ugandan Discussions', which derives from a sexual encounter in the 60s between a journalist and a politician at a party, when they explained their absence by claiming to have been discussing the Ugandan situation.


  1. Sneaky guy that one! He was not hiking but getting private tango lessons. The cheek!

  2. Indeed! Rather naughty but at least they weren't claiming expenses for their wrong doings. Imagine, 'He claimed £6 for a pack of Durex (or the equlavent in those times) and a few cigars, the bugger' much to the surprise of the wife who hasn't had bedroom fun since their anniversary 6 months previous.


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