Monday, 29 June 2009

Here Comes The Rain Again

Proper thunder, wind, everything I've been hoping for. Shame that I came to work only wearing my lightest summer trousers and shirt. Shoes too. You've all been very quiet today. Surely you aren't all on holiday? Or is it because I've been going on about books and news.


  1. Holiday? I wish!

    Could you send some wind over here, it's hot in Utah today.

  2. Apologies, Vole. I've been job searching and phoning people all afternoon as well as verbally attacking the Hearing Times editor while corresponding with a lady at the Guardian whom may assist in future plans.

    Good news, we are allowed to move into the Victoria Halls on the 30th of August. Our housewarming shall be after Freshers if you wish to come and Gerry too of course.

  3. How do you know about Moroni?!!

    And no, he's too busy standing tall, blowing trumpets on top of Mormon temples.

  4. I pick things up here and there! Even things I don't believe in! What a gift to a religion's critics: he's called Moron and his prophet 'mislaid' the solid gold slabs on which the new commandments were inscribed.

    Demented: sorry you're still having a hard time with HT. I'm sure we'll put in an appearance at your party, though we'll leave early enough not to embarrass your guests!

  5. Some of us have just been busy! Wish it would thunder here- perhaps it is heading our way.

  6. You can't be that busy: you aren't at work, unlike some of us!

  7. Oh Vole, that's hilarious! I was born into the Mormon church (yeah, I know!) and always felt like I didn't fit it. Mainly because I found every 'prophecy' to be so convenient. Where are the plates now? Oh you just gotta have faith. Bunch of crap.

  8. I'm a cradle Irish Catholic, so know just how you feel. I now prefer quantum physics.

  9. By the way - is Demented moving into that enormous lego building that has recently thrust itself into the skyline like an obscene accusation? If so, I want to see the view from the top floor - it's visible all the way up the Birmingham road. I vote we stitch together some body parts, winch them up to the roof on a crude stretcher during a storm, and see if we can create a being. We can still do that if that isn't the building that is being referred to, but height is at a premium in such operations you know.

  10. PS - if we do create a being baggies I get to name it and am the first to taunt it with fire.


  11. Indeed, Zoot. It would be a pleasure to see you and Igor sounds perfect, I can imagine the headlines now. The Express and Star exclusive:'Igor A Genius' or 'Guitarist Goes Mad'.


Send me your reckons: