Friday, 12 June 2009

Boötes Call

Zoot Horn suggests a trip to somewhere dark on the morning or evening of June 27th to see the Boötes meteor shower. Who's up for it?

Hey løøk. I can gö all mëtål and Nördîc!


  1. Er... I am - but the man with the hair is Glastonburying that weekend.

  2. At least this celestial manifestation is real. Some cruel sod told me that Mars would look the same size as the moon on August 27th - Turns out this is a hoax.

  3. The Deer Friend14 June 2009 at 13:27

    Oh, how I'd love to come. But how very good to see that I'll be missing so many things and people and places when I leave...that makes it more likely for me to come back!

  4. I have to say this is the best title you've ever come up with for a post. Utter genius. All that poor quality punning is worth it for gems like this.

    And I'm up for the star gazing.

  5. I didn't get the pun until I wikied it. I now feel old and neglected. My mobile's on mind...

  6. Sue - you poor sod.
    Neal - thanks!
    Deer - good stars in the desert, I'm guessing.

  7. The Camel Friend15 June 2009 at 15:54

    Oooooh yes. Stars, stars, stars. I had never really seen the Milky Way until the Egyptian White Desert. But still: it would have been nice with you guys.


Send me your reckons: