I've just worked out how to structure my reading and stop you buying books.
I'm going to systematically read all of those books that I've told people I've read, or that people think that I have read, but that I actually haven't. I figure that this way I can be better read without actually appearing so, and when somebody recalls a conversation about books that we once had I will appear to have total recall of the discussion and be able to convince people that my contributions were much more interesting than they actually were by asking tricky questions that only someone who actually knows the book in question and remembers the debate with uncanny clarity would know about. This will add a subtle mystery to my character by persuading my friends that their memories are fading but mine are crystal clear and, indeed, intensify with the passage of time.
You, of course, will then be forced to re-read more thoroughly books that you already know and have spoken to me about, which means that you will desist from book buying and begin re-visiting those you already own.
Unless you were faking too of course...
I'd like to point out that I have read everything I talk about, that I do re-read books, not that I ever have any piercing aperçus, and that your plan WILL make you extremely well-read!
Right. Jean Rhys' Wide Sargasso Sea here I come. And I'll be asking questions tomorrow...