Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Today's cultural icon

Last night's BBC2 was particularly good value: double Heroes, Newsnight and The Wire. However, greater than all these was Lauren Laverne reading John Keats' 'On Leaving Some Friends At An Early Hour' as a promo for the upcoming Poetry Season! I could have swooned… Unfortunately, Youtube has failed me and the BBC hasn't posted it yet (but watch this space).What's not to love about Lauren? Kenickie were a great band, she genuinely loves poetry, and she called the Spice Girls 'Tory Scum'.


  1. ...and she's strangely attractive to. Plus hers is streets ahead of Frank Skinner's recital of some little ditty. Link below if you haven't caught that one yet.


  2. Guiness Book of Records12 May 2009 at 11:21

    Hello. We are busy compiling our new edition of our famous book of records. We just thought you would be interested to know that you have made the book for the most hyperbolic use of the term 'cultural icon'. Congratulations. You are a record breaker!

  3. Thanks, Cynical Ben. You couldn't spot mild humour if it smacked you in the face with a collection of coloured vinyl!

    Merciless: strangely? No need for an adjective there. I was trying to avoid sounding like a drooling fanboy, but hey…

    Thanks for the link. It's to an advertising industry rag. Typically, as advertising is populated by dead-eyed lizards, they didn't feel the need to mention the poem Skinner reads: it's Mark Strand's 'Where are the Waters of my Childhood'.

  4. Lauren's alright, but she's no Marie Du Santiago.....

  5. Eurgh.

    That's all I can say to this, I'm afraid. I expected better from you, Merciless.

  6. On which front? The fact that some of us might be looking forward to this poetry season (unless it clashes with Corrie and my Mom's schedule)? Or that Laverne is quite attractive and - though it doesn't shine through largely on her terlevision appearances - is fiercely intelligent? A dream date with her would be completed by a remeniscent John Harris making an appearance and Earl Brutus or some other obscure 90's band serenading us.

  7. I vote for Velocette noodling in the background. Mmmm… Comet Gain side project.


Send me your reckons: