Friday, 1 May 2009

Send us your feckin' money

The Deer Friend seems not to approve of my Book Aidan idea - I've just received from her a suggestion that despite the apocalyptic gloom of the recession, we're all pretty well off compared with the vast majority of humanity, so we should send money to:
Kinderhilfe - helping Afghan children
Reporters sans frontieres - freedom of speech activism and defence.

1 comment:

  1. The Deer Friend1 May 2009 at 12:51

    Well, Book Aidan is just you indulging in your addiction. I cannot possibly support that! (this un-exclaiming exclamation mark is still justified)
    I do approve of Book Aid, though. I hadn't read your blog entry when I sent the email. Two idiots, one thought, as my aunt would put it.


Send me your reckons: