Thursday, 21 May 2009

A little sunshine

OK, The Deer Friend left a comment asking for some sweetness and light on educational matters. Luckily, I've spent the morning in a meeting with our Dean. Although what she said doesn't entirely fit what the Vice-Chancellor said, she was upbeat and positive, and it's clear that staff research is going to be supported. So you students may hear new and exciting discoveries made by staff in the time we're going to be given. That's proper good news!

Also, I have found my niche. I am a B-grade PGCE student and therefore a B-grade teacher. Despite my 1st class degree with prizes, MA with prizes and PhD, my technology-supported learning PGCE was deemed worthy of a B. Perhaps because I was 'creative', though the feedback objected to a lack of theory (there isn't any on blogging and pedagogy) and my use of the MHRA referencing system - which I used because Harvard's rubbish and I'm damned if I'm going to learn yet another one for a one-year course after struggling for years to get MHRA right for the MA and PhD theses.

Perhaps I'll sink even lower for the other assessments.


  1. The Vole Friend21 May 2009 at 13:46


  2. Oh Jesus, if you are a B Grade then what hope do I have in two, three years time.

    I shall find some rope and a nice cellar to spare the misery. Goodbye cruel world.

  3. B Grade is good. Well done :)
    Don't be so hard on yourself. How do you get to be a Dr? How long are your masters and PhD courses, how much do they cost also?

  4. Thanks. I just happen to think that the PGCE isn't very challenging. They don't respect us and I don't respect them.

    MA - one year full-time or 2 part-time (ahem). I had help with funding. MSc's are usually fully funded. You shouldn't get in with lower than a 2.1 though there are exceptions.

    The PhD is a doctorate. Supposedly 3 years full time. Get a good BA, an MA and have a really clear idea of what you want to do - it has to be specific (mine is 'Constructions of Masculinity in three 1930s political Welsh novels in English'. I had a bursary and the fees were paid by the university too - they're impossible to fund privately unless you own Dorset. I do recommend them though.

  5. Oooh very interesting. Shall have to keep working hard to get my first then ;)
    Thanks for the reply! :)

  6. The Suicidal Friend22 May 2009 at 00:12

    'A really clear idea of what you want to do' ... Vole, you've got it in for me, do you?
    Rope or bridge?

  7. Anon - you don't need a first, but you should aim for one anyway.

    Suicidal Friend - I think we all know I'm talking ideal situations. I won a scholarship to study Representations of the Family in French Serial Novels. Six months later it was masculinity in Welsh ones…


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