Tuesday, 21 April 2009

World peace and that

The Unlucky Dip has posted a fascinating clip from the Miss USA competition - in which the contestants answer political questions, often more clearly than in the recent presidential campaign! Only Miss Arizona waffles her way around the healthcare question trying not to give her opinion.

Update: according to the Guardian, Miss California's opposition to gay marriage has caused a stir: Fox News is blaming this for her defeat. I hope they're right - it would mean that the audience doesn't take its moral lessons from Fox, which is the most popular news channel in the US at the moment (unfortunately).


  1. The Deer Friend21 April 2009 at 15:54

    Thanks for the clip. I haven't laughed this hard in a while!

    But I ought to be more kindly loving towards these poor girls, who don't even have names ("Nice job, Kentucky") and are reduced (metaphorically and literally) to kg and cm.

    That people, no matter how pretty, have opinions shouldn't come as a surprise, though!

  2. You're absolutely right, I shouldn't be surprised. What did surprise me is the seriousness of the questions (were they hoping to humiliate these women) and the responses - they weren't, with a couple of exceptions - substantial statements of opinion rather than evasions designed to please everyone as is usual in these situations.


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