Thursday, 30 April 2009

Somebody stop me

I just wanted to check a title online and ended up ordering 2 biographies of Jane Austen and a children's novel about the Green Man, reading and death (Season of Secrets) because it sounded interesting (and only two things are certain in my life - reading and death).


  1. You have an addiction, surely. I would recommend the book on Robert Disgby that I blogged about early this morning.

    P.s For some reason my WOLF account is not working despite paying the rent on time for once so I shall bring my draft tomorrow at the designated time if that is okay with you.

  2. The Deer Friend30 April 2009 at 15:15

    Alright then: "Stop!"
    At least you can't say I haven't tried.

    P.s.: The exclamation mark above is totally justified, because it's an exclamation!

  3. Thanks for your support. And yes, that was a fully justified exclamation mark.

  4. Fantastic read. Just wanted to comment and let you know. Thanks


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