Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Poor Mark Steel

I like him, and his politics. But now he's on Radio 4 mispronouncing Merthyr Tydfil and making his opening monologue one about how funny Welsh words are and anti-Englishness. That'll do a lot for national relations - are the Welsh the last people it's OK to mock for their language and accents?

Ah - his liberal instincts have kicked back and he's reminding people of the radical past of the Welsh language and talking to a Welsh-speaker while gently mocking her.

And after his initial (compulsory for metropolitan types?) mockery - he's produced a funny and informative account of radical Merthyr, site of the first raising of the Red Flag: ending with the credits yn cymraeg.


  1. The Mark Steel Lectures on TV (although originally on the radio, I think) were absolutely brilliant, particularly the Che Guevara one. Wish he'd do some more.

    He's doing stand-up in Wolvo soon as well I think.

  2. I'd love to agree with the statement that all Welsh women are nice looking but have you seen that woman on Quiz Call? Liz Fuller, I think. There's a state - because 'state can be percieved as an insult do I have to call her a gregariously strung trumpet or something?

  3. Your insult suggestion is entrancing. More please. The show did get better.

  4. Ah, Merciless one must send you pictures of attractive Welsh ladies I had the distint pleasure of meeting whilst bartending.

    Yes, I thought it was an amusing insult.

    Liz Fuller is a graciously deluded being with no purpose other then to look older then she is whilst trying desperately to look 20. I'd still take her for a drink though.

  5. I hope anonymous (who so enraged cynical Ben) doesn't turn out to be Liz Fuller.

    Gregariously strung trumpet is also an answer you're likely to find on Quiz Call. Remember that for their 'Brass Instruments Beginning With G' episode, people.

  6. What is this Quiz Call of which you speak?

  7. It's for lonely people who enjoy staying up into the wee small hours of the morning to laugh at drunk/stoned/even more lonely people or just plain stupid people crack guesses at so easy they're hard questions. It's cheap, tacky and thouroughly addictive. Some people have been known to spend stints in rehab because of its ability to get under your skin and affect both your mental and physical state.

    Just your normal run of the mill late night quiz show, really.

  8. When it comes to Merciless Public and Liz Fuller, the phrase "he doth protest too much" springs to mind. We all know you secretly fancy her, Merciless, come on, admit it!

    Vole - Quiz Call is a late night quiz fiasco which encourages drunks, students, insomniacs and breastfeeding mothers to ring up and waste money. It's awfully addictive. When it comes to the women on there, Kait Borsay >>>> all others.

  9. Fancying her would be like empathising with Norman Bates, maybe.


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