Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Nerds! Queue here

I know that many of you are addicted to computerised games. Now you can listen 'live' to chiptunes, computer game music from all your old favourites and other related computer noise at 8BitFM!

I haven't played a computer game with any enthusiasm since Civilization II, which really was brilliant, even if it was so ideologically loaded that taking a socialist approach led inevitably to defeat thanks to the capitalist running dogs of the California computer industry. After that, Civ III and Alpha Centauri were disappointing. I was also addicted to Minesweeper, so took the decision to buy a Mac, and never looked back. Though I do remember an online game involving calculating the force and best location required to kick a man down the stairs causing maximum damage. That was both educational and fun - I'll need those skills one day.


  1. Oh my goodness, massive respect for you Vole - Civ II might just be the greatest game ever, I still play it sometimes when bored. They don't make them like that anymore!

  2. The Deer Friend28 April 2009 at 14:32

    I feel enlightened by the qualification "when bored" which makes me think that I haven't missed anything after all. Thanks.

  3. CIv II is a complicated state-building game, demanding industrial, agricultural, military and diplomatic skills. Weeks could fly past…

  4. Vole. I think you will find that Civilisation II is what Baudrillard might describe as a 'simulation' of town planning. It fetishises the real interaction between people by replacing it with an artificial construct.

    I'm dead good at satire me.

  5. It doesn't need JB to call it a simulation - it literally is one. He would however describe the experience of playing the game as a simulation - probably 3rd order.

  6. I thought I was good at satire. You do see the point I'm making don't you?


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