Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Abandon hope

Hopefully you all know that ours is the last generation to live a 'first-world' lifestyle, thanks to the destructive effects of… er … our first-world lifestyle (meanwhile everybody else is suffering now). Neal's sent me a link to this video, which graphically demonstrates the real, physical impact of our selfishness on the world. It details the ever-decreasing Arctic ice coverage - without it, we're entering a period of accelerating temperature rises with associated feedback. Soon it will be too late - feedback means that there's no going back and we'll end up like Venus.


  1. I just found this video utterly mesmerising. It's like at some point the arctic ocean had a big meal of ice and is now slowly shatting it out down the east coast of Greenland, using the Straits of Denmark as it's sphincter.

  2. That's pretty much what Al Gore says


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