Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Jack Straw: more evil than Hazel Blears?

I've thought recently that Charlie Brooker's column in the Guardian has become a little self-parodic in recent times.

I was wrong. This week's column is brilliant because he's angry with Jack Straw and nails that little turd for his contempt for democracy. Read it for yourself. However, the bit that makes me boil with anger is Straw's statement of his political beliefs:
"If people were angels there would be no need for government . . . But sadly people are not all angels."
Never mind that this is purest bollocks: people will still need disaster relief, and health care, and old age care, and environmental protection and everything else that isn't law'n'order.

Brooker points out that Straw therefore elevates politicians above the people, which is bad enough. What gets me though is that this is Straw coming out as a philosophical Tory. At the heart of the socialist (and liberal) project is a fundamental belief in the essential goodness of humanity. Toryism believes that people are inherently bad and need restraining. This is the fundamental philosophical divide - and Straw clearly believes that government exists for the purpose of repressing the atavistic qualities of the people. I think I prefer the American 'life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness' to his profoundly depressing vision. No wonder the cover of my copy of The Demon Headmaster takes Straw as its inspiration. (I can't find a scan of it, but here's one that looks almost as chilling):

1 comment:

  1. I've been writing to Jack Straw for about two years, asking him why the Government allowed an American paedophile self styled psychologist called Richard Gardner was allowed to influence the secret family courts. I've had nothing but two years of spin, lies and excuses off him and the devil's handmaiden Bridget Prentice, grrrr, I am so angry with those two!

    I am a Christian and won't be writing any more letters to either of them, I've told them that, I'm going to ask Jesus to sort it out instead. I doubt that Jesus will be so tolerant of their wicked attempt to cover up institutional child abuse.



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